Help keep our river clean

September each year has become a time to reflect on the value of clean safe water and all it provides to us.

Dear sir,

September each year has become a time to reflect on the value of clean safe water and all it provides to us.

It is a time when many in BC join in BC Rivers Day activities. Thousands of public spirited British  Columbians will be out on clean-ups, habitat restorations, picnics and river paddles.

Many will commit to helping advocate for clean rivers and maintaining a good environment for generations to come.

So, on BC Rivers Day – September 25 – go out and enjoy the local rivers by fishing, walking along the banks or paddling down a river.

Maybe take along a garbage bag with you to clean up any debris that you find, thus ensuring a clean environment for the plants and animals who inhabit this ecosystem.

Our Kitimat River is used for many activities, mostly recreational ones.

These include:  kayaking, canoeing, drift boat fishing, river bank fishing and river bank walking.

The Kitimat River is also a source for water for local industry and the community.

However, there are also stresses put on the river:  logging in the valley in the past, pollution from industry, garbage left on the river banks, accidental spillage of gasoline/oil and over fishing.

It is up to all users of the Kitimat River to keep it clean and pristine for our use today and for the use of the river by future generations.


Kitimat Valley Naturalists.



Kitimat Northern Sentinel