Dear editor,
In the past, a municipal election was a bit of a non-event for me.
There were two reasons for that. One, I didn’t have a clue who most of the candidates were and secondly I was not too unhappy with the way the City of Courtenay spent my tax dollars.
Not this time! I am fed up with the constant stream of tax increases and then seeing these dollars wasted on ideological misappropriation to areas that are beyond the accepted mandate of a municipality, however well-intended.
The Courtenay mayor, and with some notable exceptions, the council, as well as the unelected, dysfunctional regional district, have forgotten the following basic premise: A government cannot give anybody anything that it does not first take from somebody else.
I shall be watching the candidates very closely this time and withhold my vote from the tax-and-waste crowd. Let’s hope that enough of my fellow citizens feel the same way and will come out to vote so we can relegate them to a harmless retirement.
Bill Verburgt,