Hodge Podge: The tragic Trump game is a long way from over

Hodge Podge: The tragic Trump game is a long way from over

Kelowna - Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

Like many worldwide residents I was confused when I first heard of Donald Trump’s alleged ‘Family Separation Policy’. I assumed it was another joke or tabloid story. Like most I ignored it like a bad joke, because, after all, “no one in their right mind would do such a thing.” Right?

I guess that should have been the red flag.

Who would have believed the United States of America, a supposedly civilized land where dreams can come true, hard work and honesty have value and rewards, and slavery is no longer tolerated, could consider such a travesty.

Under his Family Separation Policy Trump has managed to have more that 2,500 children or babies pried out of the arms of their parents at the border seeking asylum and sent to makeshift detention centres spread around 17 states.

Almost equally disturbing is the news that Trump’s devious plan was hatched and put into action two months ago and has only now fully reached the public eye. How is it possible that such a disgusting and vile act can have actually taken place for weeks and no media outlet reported it, or if they did that not enough others took up coverage of the nightmare?

When the huge blowback of anger by the public resulted, the man with the bad wig decided to try and place a little salve on the wound he had opened. He lied. The Donald denied that his separation policy existed.

When that failed he tried to rename the prison camps to Tender Age Shelters, but that did not calm the storm. So earlier this week Trump held a major news conference to announce that he was creating another of his infamous ‘executive orders’ to alter the plans so that children would not be imprisoned alone. From now on they will be imprisoned with their parents with the order directing Pentagon to build Family Detention Centres at various U.S. military bases. (Never mind that detention centres are illegal for children to be placed in).

Tragically that action will do nothing to help reunite the 2,500 children already locked up. The Trump administration says it has no plan or intention to reunite the families already separated.

Is this what it means to ‘make America great again?’

Sadly the tragic game is not over yet and all that one can hope for is that whatever bizarre stunt is about to happen next is not even crazier than the current one. The bus is clearly out of control and the bus driver is busy admiring himself in the mirror rather than caring about who he runs over.

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

Read Charlie’s musings every week at kelownacapnews.com

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