Horgan’s salary just outside tax hike

That is Horgan for you, always watching out for himself.



Horgan’s salary just outside tax hike

John Horgan made sure he had his say, in the new tax increase for high wage earners. The new tax is applicable to anyone earning $220,000 per year and more.

John Horgan earns $210,945.96 per year. Setting the new amount at $210,000 would increase the tax rate for John Horgan, and $215,000 is a odd number, so the new earnings rate has been set at $220,000 and more. Amazing, how John Horgan made sure, that his earnings per year were eliminated from the new tax rate.

That is Horgan for you, always watching out for himself. Unbelievable!

Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen