Hospital woes

Frankly I am sick to death of opening each issue of The Morning Star only to read how VJH's empty floors need to have beds in them and about the code purples that happen at regular intervals at VJH.

Frankly I am sick to death of opening each issue of The Morning Star only to read how VJH’s empty floors need to have beds in them and about the code purples that happen at regular intervals at VJH.

If there ever was a huge accident, there would be no place to put victims. People are sleeping in hallways as it is.

Wake up people. How many letters can you write and how many of your letters can government ignore?  Instead of writing letter after letter after letter to The Morning Star only to fall on deaf ears, isn’t it time legislation was changed so that governments would have an obligation to listen to the people that government is supposed to serve?

Why don’t we start a petition to that effect? Why wait for election time, when there hasn’t been a government that will listen yet?

There is no use in wasting more time and energy so that more people can suffer the ill effects of how government is permitted to run over people like a bulldozer.

VJH lack of beds isn’t the only issue now is it?

Sharon Schnurr



Vernon Morning Star