I couldn’t agree more with Norman Morgenson’s letter Carbon emissions criminal (News July 18).
Since industry and government are dragging their feet, here is what each of us should be doing:
Limit air travel to necessary only; Limit car travel to necessary trips with a 4 cylinder, hybrid or electric vehicle; Eat less meat; become a vegetarian; Become a minimalist consumer; buy for need not want; Choose a career with a low carbon footprint; Make your home energy efficient, heat non-fossil fuel to 66 F;
Buy organic, local and sustainable; grow your own; Borrow, barter, rent, repair or buy used before buying new; Stay current re: climate change; act as a role model; discuss openly with others; Lobby/protest industry and government to stop expansion of fossil fuels and move quickly towards truly renewable and sustainable.
Many will see this list and continue eating the world. But this is how the next generation is going to be forced to live so we should get on with it now and share the change.
Dave Secco
Oak Bay