How was your Easter?

Did you spend it with friends and family? Was it a non-event, given that you do not observe Christian holidays?

Did you spend it with friends and family? Was it a non-event, given that you do not observe Christian holidays; simply a long weekend to catch up on rest or errands?

Chances are, you did not go hungry. That’s not the case for over two billion people around the world. We have an urgent need to fight extreme poverty and if you think you are powerless to help the situation, think again. Since 1990, the number of people living in extreme poverty has been cut in half, thanks to some amazing grass roots organizations. This month is Live Below the Line month. Why not visit the website and see what thousands of people in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the U.K., U.S. and Colombia are doing to help raise funds and awareness? You might be pleasantly surprised to find that you can ‘easily’ be part of the solution.


Connie Lebeau

Victoria, B.C.

The Free Press