There are no pandas in this week’s Hugs and Slugs. But look at these two! Who wouldn’t want a panda hug? Photo: Wikimedia Commons

HUGS AND SLUGS: Strong week for hugs

Readers were mostly in the mood to spread some good vibes

SLUGS: To the person(s) who left a couch and a pile of trash at Crescent Beach bus stop. This is not a dump site! Who do you suppose will remove it?

HUGS: To our wonderful little neighbour who gave everyone in our cul-de-sac Valentine’s hearts and candy. It was a lovely treat from a lovely little girl and very appreciated. Thank you. Keep spreading the love.

HUGS: To the beautiful tree on Baker Street with the birdsong all year long. So uplifting and joyous.

HUGS: To the group of ladies and gentleman who helped me Feb. 28 when I fell in the Nelson mall parking lot. They made sure I was OK, helped me to my feet, repacked my groceries and even carried my groceries and walked me to my car. What a kind group of people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

SLUGS: To the Ministry of Transportation for their selection of the new lights on the Nelson Bridge. Thank you for your generous contribution to the already high-light pollution in the lower Fairview area.

SLUGS: To the landlord who won’t even show you a picture of the rental unless you agree to do all the maintenance of his yard.

HUGS: To “MJP” for the charming little birds along Gilroy Road.

HUGS: To the ladies at the recycling by the airport. They are always friendly and helpful and keep the place very tidy. Thank you.

HUGS: To the North Shore’s 12 Mile Storage for the good laughs on the highway sign. Winter favourites were “all snowmen are a bunch of flakes”, “never trust an atom, they make up everything,” and “a broken pencil is pointless.”

Nelson Star