Shout out to the person who helped out with someone’s 100th birthday! Photo: Shutterstock

HUGS AND SLUGS: The 100th birthday couldn’t have happened without you

Just one slug? Where is all this positivity coming from?

HUGS: To all the early childhood educators in our area! May is “Childcare Month,” but know that you are appreciated always! The work you all do is so valuable! We see you working hard in this pandemic and love you for the ESSENTIAL service you are!

HUGS: To the volunteer who made our mother’s 100th special! What a lovely ride! Hugs to all volunteers out there! You bring a little joy to our lives right now!

SLUGS: To Granite Pointe. Not only did the board make a decision to log the forest adjacent to the Mill Trail, but they also knowingly impacted an active nest site for listed great blue herons, which have been breeding in that stand for at least three years.

HUGS: To WildSafeBC and the BCSPCA for putting out information on the websites for us all to read to help save our wildlife. Lots of great info on how to help them live with us in their home.

HUGS: To the hospital staff. Your generosity of spirit and kindness go a long way when someone shows up alone, scared and in pain. We have the best at KLH.

HUGS: To the management and staff at Glendale tire for their integrity and compassion in helping out someone in a bind!

Got a hug or slug to get off your chest? Send it to

Nelson Star