Hugs and Slugs

Hugs and Slugs to welcome the Spring

Hugs: To Lori at Home Depot. I had to pick up seven boxes of tile. At the customer service, Lori helped locate the tile, which she couldn't locate right away, but went out of her way to find it. Lori went back to the warehouse to get it and brought it right up front in a shopping cart. Then Lori loaded up my car for me, and the entire time with a big smile. Home Depot is lucky to have you as an employee. Big hugs to you!

Hugs: To Lori at Home Depot. I had to pick up seven boxes of tile. At the customer service, Lori helped locate the tile, which she couldn’t locate right away, but went out of her way to find it. Lori went back to the warehouse to get it and brought it right up front in a shopping cart. Then Lori loaded up my car for me, and the entire time with a big smile. Home Depot is lucky to have you as an employee. Big hugs to you!

Hugs: To Haylee who works in the Sobey’s bakery department. The cake I ordered was for my daughters 50th birthday, and it turned out so beautiful, I was very happy. Great work Haylee! Big hugs for you and thank you for making my day!

Hugs: A big hug to all the Hugs and Slugs contributors who sent in hugs last week to remind us all what we have to be thankful for, living here in the East Kootenays.

Hugs: To all the staff in our day surgery department of our hospital for making our otherwise stressful day much more bearable (bareable?) with their kind and caring expertise. Almost makes me want to go back— almost.

Slugs: BIG SLUG! to the person or persons who are breaking their alcohol bottles along Joseph Creek pathway and leaving their broken glass where people/children/pets walk. The least you could do is bring your garbage home with you or use trash containers.

Hugs: To the man in the white truck ahead of me at Dairy Queen’s drive through who paid for two senior’s suppers on March 21! We thank you so much!

Hugs: Pics in Kootenay Advertiser, March 4th, hugs to Kathleen Opal for the picture of the Flicker and Woodpecker side by side on the tree. Awesome pic! The Pygmy owl so good, taken by Miriam Saville, and Stewart Wilson, always good ones, thank you to all!

Hugs: Big hugs to the young girl wearing pink, picking up garbage along Victoria Ave. Was a pleasure to see someone so young taking pride in her community.

Hugs: To the nice young lady that paid for my groceries at Wal Mart. Unbelievable! You made my day!

Hugs: To Tanglefoot Veterinary Services for their help in ending the suffering of a gravely injured blue bird. He was attacked by a house sparrow in his nest box. Keep an eye on your bird boxes!

Hugs: Big bear hugs to Kirsten at Pacific Coastal Airlines who went above and beyond to ensure I was able to get on my flight to Victoria. I had a problem and she wouldn’t stop until a solution was found. Her care and empathy saved me a week’s delay in Cranbrook.

Hugs: To Danielle Eaton and to Better at Home who recently provided meals to shut ins. Also, thank you to the volunteers who so kindly delivered them. Delicious.

Hugs: A massive HUG to DOMINOS PIZZA! They have been doing fundraisers with the schools and it is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for the support!

Hugs: To the person who turned in my lottery ticket to Shoppers Drug Mart last week, greatly appreciated!

Hugs: My huge, huge hug goes out to Dr Brett Bevans of Victoria Avenue Dental here in Cranbrook. He is the best! He provides the utmost care and provided my teenage son with confidence. What he has done for my 14-year-old son is so heartwarming — I can’t believe my kid is smiling daily now . He gave us a helping hand up in life that we sure do not take for granted. We have never been shown such kindness it truly has impacted our entire lives. Thank you, Dr Bevans from Krista and Kieran!

Hugs: To the staff on the third floor of the Cranbrook Regional Hospital. I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with you. To see the level of professionalism, compassion, and positivity you display in the pursuit of other peoples health is inspiring; particularly during a global health crisis. Thank you for all you do. RIP R.E

Hugs: Big hugs to the Domino’s Pizza team in Cranbrook for supporting our community based organizations and services. Their generosity is greatly appreciated.

Hugs: Big hugs to Richard and his team of paramedics from BC Ambulance service, for his kind and professional help last Friday evening. Also hugs to nurse Sean in the ER on Friday for his sense of humour in a stressful visit by putting me at ease. Much appreciated!

Hugs: Big hugs to Paul, who not only gifted me with a beautiful area rug, but delivered it to my door! Thank you Paul – I will definitely pay your kindness forward!

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Cranbrook Townsman