HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs prevail 6-3

Do you talk to panhandlers? Block someone's driveway? Park in reserved spots? There is a hug or slug intended for you this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Hugs prevail 6-3

HUGS: To our LGTBQ community and allies. You are beautiful and loved so much.

HUGS: To the gentleman who picked up my wallet off the road, near El Taco and kindly handed it into the police station. Thank you, thank you and thank you! As well, a hug for the helpful policewoman who handed my wallet back to me.

HUGS: To the lady who blocked my driveway on Stanley St. as she went off to the Wednesday market. Sounds like a slug but she gets a hug. Thank you for the bottle of nice wine you left me. Truly, you confirmed that moving to Nelson weeks ago was a fantastic idea.

SLUGS: Many, many slugs to people who own animals and don’t provide proper shelter for them. It’s a lonely and sad life for so many animals who have to stay outside, but it is cruel and selfish when they have to lie on cold wet cement or stand endlessly (horses) with no shelter in the wind, rain and snow. Please be more compassionate.

SLUGS: To the person who complained about someone taking their quarter they left on the meter. It’s a little obnoxious that you would hold a parking spot for an unspecified amount of time for your one quarter. It’s not the parking meter guys’ job to plug in for you. If you leave money lying around don’t be surprised if it gets taken. Plug the meter like everyone else.

HUGS: Hugs and love to everyone in the community who feel impacted by the tragedy in Orlando. My heart is with you (and with them). Hugs and thank you to everyone who came out to the vigil for the victims at city hall, and to the groups who organized and hosted it. It is amazing what a supportive community we have. You guys are the good we want to see in the world, and you make me proud to say that I’m from the Kootenays. Much love.

HUGS: To certain individuals who take the time and effort to strike up conversations with panhandlers and don’t give them money. Food, socks or asking what they are in need or want of goes so much further than the liquor store. Travel stories about where the poorest people are much worse off than themselves goes far too. Like you can read on so many pieces of cardboard, “anything helps.” You are what they tell stories about when they run into a friend having a bad day and thinking no one cares. Your spirit travels across the county in these minds and hearts. Even if this country has resources to a fault almost, you do save lives by showing this love. Just thought you should know.

SLUGS: To the people who repeatedly park in private parking lots in the businesses behind Baker and Victoria streets. We own (or rent) the spots, have signs up, have asked you nicely to please not park here (in some cases, repeatedly) and still you park there! For the amount of time you stand there arguing and yelling at us that you will “Just be a minute,” you could have found a parking spot, and gotten your business done already. Please pay the 25 cents and be a little kinder to the people you cross paths with, or karma could be showing up in the form of a tow truck!

HUGS: A great big hug to my neighbour who has recently started a vacation rental. It is so refreshing to have quiet and mature people staying there versus some of the disrespectful and annoying long term tenants who just didn’t care about the property, or about taking out their garbage or taking us neighbours into consideration when having parties or people over at night. It really seems that guests are on their best behavior to ensure getting a good review from their host! Not to mention that now the grass and yard are always kept up and looking fabulous! I know there is criticism about these rentals, but kudos to the city for taking the time to gather pertinent information before making a hasty or rash decision on how to regulate them! It’s really hard to blame people for getting creative in such a high cost of living town, especially when landlords have very little rights when dealing with problem long term renters. Everything has its place


Nelson Star