HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat up hugs 9-2

Do you skateboard on the sidewalk? Speed through crosswalks? Smoke on Baker St. There is a slug for you this week.

HUGS & SLUGS: Slugs beat up hugs 9-2

SLUGS: To skateboarders on the sidewalks. I went to work with a swollen ankle from a runaway board.

SLUGS: To local grocery stores who advertise products on sale but don’t have the sale product in the store.

HUGS: Big hugs to the lab techs for going above and beyond the call of duty and ordering special cancer screening blood tests for me.

SLUGS: To computer stores who neglect to tell you there is no firewall in your new computer. It cost me $600 in repairs. We are not all computer literate.

SLUGS: To people who only put their number on their answering machine messages. Why not just say “you’ve just reached the number you’ve called?” Duh. You may never know if it’s the person you were trying to reach, but it is the number you called.

SLUGS: To all the smokers on Baker St. who don’t follow the No Smoking signs! I like walking down the sidewalk or waiting for the bus in a smoke-free environment and hate having to hold my breath or cover my face discreetly due to the foul smell. It is an addiction and you have to go smoke a cigarette, but please be mindful of others! I don’t want my lungs polluted. Those signs are up there for a reason.

SLUGS: Massive slugs to the person who obviously isn’t a parent, and suggests parents should put their children behind the passenger seat. What if I have two kids? Should I stack them on top of each other? Your slug is silly, and unnecessary. The parents are trying to raise their child. They don’t need someone to point out their every mistake. Perhaps you should be as critical of yourself as you are pf others. A concerned local

SLUGS: To the grocery store that still has a problem with scanner price accuracy where sale items scan in at checkout at a higher price than posted on the shelf label. Always check your bill and don’t assume your products are scanning in for the sale price. Remember that under the Scanning Code of Practice, if the price scans incorrectly at checkout, you can get the item for free if under $10 or $10 off if the item price is greater than $10.

SLUGS: To drivers who speed through lights and crosswalks. Why are you in such a rush? If you see someone crossing, give some space and let them pass by without flooring the gas and almost hitting them. Slugs to the big white 4×4 truck who sped by last week and didn’t even bother to slow down! You could have hit us! What if I had dropped my wallet and stopped to pick it up? That goes for all drivers who speed through crosswalks. You don’t know what can happen. Be cautious and give space.

HUGS: Sincere hugs to the woman on Fisherman’s Road, April 15 at 4 p.m.-ish. I was visiting from Alberta, walking my dogs with my mom and her dogs. You were walking too and my long legged chihuahua cross chased you and nipped your heels, frightening you. I was horrified that my dog would do this. I am so sorry. I just adopted him as a rescue one month ago. I take full responsibility for this incident. This will never happen again. You left quickly and I did not get a chance to apologize I was dealing with my dog. My dog will not be allowed off leash and we will be consulting with a dog back home in Alberta. Please accept my sincere apologies.

SLUGS: Big slimy yucky slugs to the inconsiderate person who decided to dump their garbage on the side of the logging road above the Balfour dump. You left behind an old golf club bag, various empty boxes, a plastic jug of who-knows-what kind of liquid, metal shelving, other odds and ends and prescription medications (Topiramate). Why couldn’t you wait until the dump was open? But don’t worry about your disgusting mess. We gathered it up to take care of it for you. Oh, you also left an ICBC letter with your name on it that has been turned in to the local conservation officer. May karma teach you a lesson about treating our planet and our wildlife with dignity.


Nelson Star