Hugs stomp slugs this week

Most people in Nelson seem pretty happy with one another.

HUGS: To the handsome fella still stuck in the hospital. Chin up! You’ll get through this.

SLUGS: Slimy slugs to the person who organized an interview for a winter job with me on Thursday and then stood me up. How professional of you.

HUGS: To the people I encountered with my old dog down at John’s Walk. We had a scary altercation which resulted in my very old dog getting a bit roughed up. Just want to let you to know he is totally ok. These things happen. Just want to thank you for handling this scary situation gracefully and with the kindest concern for my dog.

HUGS: To the good samaritan who found my glasses and brought them into the optical office. I now have my sight back, Thank you.

HUGS: To the ban on e-cigarettes. Originally (and still) marketed as a means to cut out, and eventually quit smoking, they have now, for the most part, become a way for most to smoke constantly. We non-smokers don’t want to inhale second hand smoke, nor second hand nicotine vapour,

SLUGS: To all the distracted drivers out there. I still see you all over the place. I think the police are doing their best to catch you but how about if they could give your phone an immediate 24 hour suspension. They can take your vehicle on the spot for 30 days and take your drivers license for 90 days for various infractions. How would you survive without your phone for 24 hours?  And of course the penalty would be on an escalating scale for repeated violations.

HUGS: To all the pedestrians who use the sidewalks, especially at night. To those of you who do not use them, please keep in mind that you are practically invisible to drivers between dusk and dawn, especially on some of the darker streets here in Nelson. Please, for your own safety, use the sidewalks.

HUGS: Huge hugs to the person who rescued my runaway sailboat.

HUGS: Big hugs to the man who helped us, from myself and my daughter who was having her 8th birthday as we were on the side of the road with a flat tire on the North Shore near the 3000 area houses. You helped the rest of the day go very well.

HUGS: To the mom in my neighborhood who so kindly and politely asked me to slow down where her kids like to play. It’s no excuse for not being careful, but I was having a rough day and didn’t pay enough attention to how quickly I drove by where your kids were playing. I appreciated how respectfully you brought it to my attention. Thank you.  — More careful and humbled mom

HUGS: To all my thoughtful neighbors who bag their leaves for me so I can mulch my garden each winter.

HUGS: Big hearty hugs to the gentleman who paid for my groceries at Wholesale when my car payment was taken out two weeks late and left me short of funds. This was not just a small amount for bread and milk. How wonderful for all of us to know people like this wander our world. You asked me to pay it forward and I am looking forward with a sense of joy to doing it.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star