When it comes to dealing with ICBC, or any insurance company for that matter, there are a lot of horror stories out there.
You get in an accident, perhaps there are injuries involved, maybe your vehicle needs costly repairs or is a complete write-off. Whatever the case is, this already stressful incident can be complicated by dealings with ICBC. Not to say this is always the case (as you will later discover through my own dealings).
Many drivers have either personally, or know a few people who have, been in a dispute with the crown corporation.
Despite the fact that we – drivers – are paying costly insurance fees each month, which in turn help pay the wages of those employed by the giant corporation, there is a perception out there that ICBC adjusters are less than concerned with our best interests.
Then there’s the whole rate debate, but I won’t get into that.
It’s unfortunate that this critically important organization has apparently such a bad reputation.
The fact is, all of us who drive are required to have insurance. And when it comes to the bulk of our insurance costs (who can shop around for better rates on a portion of your insurance) there is only one place to turn – ICBC.
Despite all the tales of ICBC trouble, I have personally never had any raw dealings with them.
I thought that was about to change following an accident my husband recently had with my truck.
But as it turned out, ICBC proved their reputation wrong and my fear of dealing with them was unjustified by bad rumours.
And I’m thankful for that (even more thankful that no one was seriously injured in the accident, although my husband may have a long road ahead of him following a torn ligament).
I’ll admit, I was more than a little petrified as I called in my first major claim – anticipating a year-long battle just to get the truck back on the road.
And perhaps the ease was compounded by the fact that there were no other vehicles involved, no one was seriously injured, and there are no fingers to point – except maybe one to Mother Nature for an unkind storm that caused some greasy back road conditions.
So I was quite relieved when I picked up the phone last weekend, hands trembling with anxiety over the whole incident, to hear a kind, considerate and, dare-I-say, caring, voice on the ICBC end.
It was not at all the monstrous experience I had envisioned.
The lady on the phone was not only sympathetic to our situation, but kept me calm and collected as I gave her the details of the unfortunate event (which was the icing on the cake to an unfortunate few weeks of ‘bad luck.’)
The adjuster has been helpful and accommodating, not only with us, but the superb repair man who has agreed to take on the estimated $13,000 job.
All in all, a very stressful situation dealing with a banged-up truck, and husband, was made smooth and seamless by some great people over at ICBC (knock on wood as nothing’s final yet).
So while ICBC has been given a bad reputation over the years, likely from a few soured customers, I’d like to say they’re not all bad.
I hope no one else has to go through an accident to find that out, but those who do might also gain a renewed faith in ICBC.