A News reader agrees with the sentiment in this editorial cartoon.

A News reader agrees with the sentiment in this editorial cartoon.

Image of PM as king hit right on the mark

No accountability in our prime minister, Liberal leader

Re: Editorial cartoon, June 12

The illustration of King Stephen without clothes is on point. We surely are waiting for accountability from a prime minister who has been anything but transparent or accountable.

Senators Duffy, Wallin, and Brazeau: all were Harper appointees. These senators, who could not remember where their home was or how to fill out routine travel expense forms, are subject to police investigations and/or forensic audits. And Harper’s chief of staff may have criminal charges laid for inappropriately giving a $90,000 gift to Duffy.

This week Justin Trudeau had to deal with one of his Liberal senators being sentenced to jail for false expense claims, and another who was warned that if he did not immediately repay over $250,000 in bogus domicile and travel costs he would be subject to a further forensic audit.

This apparently causes no dismay to Justin, who feels entitled to charge charities speaking fees that have totalled more than $250,000.

A citizen might rightly ask what these Liberal and Conservative appointees have ever done for the average Canadian. Little wonder Thomas Mulcair – and increasing numbers of Canadians – are calling for the abolition of a 19th-century, triple-U Senate that is unelected, unaccountable and useless.

Ron Faris


Victoria News