In our Opinion: Give us more …

Udderfest 2016 leaves Prince Rupert wanting more and more.

Whether it was P.T. Barnum, Walt Disney or  musician Bobby Womack, the phrase: “Always leave ‘em wanting more” certainly applies to Udderfest.

The Tom Rooney Playhouse — a cozy, little room that plays host to Udderfest is a gem for Prince Rupert.

This gem shines every time the amazing roster of talent — volunteer talent to be sure — takes to the stage.

The volunteers who make the Rooney Playhouse  tick need to stand up and take a bow. Once again this year, Udderfest was — insert play on word here — udderly fantastic.

After many of us here at the Northern View watched the performances, and in one case, were part of the show — congratulations to reporter Shannon Lough for taking on Lucas Anders in the War of the Wits (and winning) — it left many of us wanting more.

We understand it is difficult for a volunteer organization, but nevertheless, there must be a way.

We’re open to helping give Rupert more.


The Northern View