In response

Resident raises concerns about Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his government

This is my response to M. Strangward’s subjective rant, Judge fairly, which inaccurately insinuated I have a, “leftist or socialist perspective.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper (both the man and his policies) leaves much to be desired.

For example, he promised Senate reform but instead created the current scandal by personally selecting three of the most partisan hacks to ever be appointed to the Red Chamber.

More recently, Harper has had the gall to try and mislead Canadians about the Liberals’ record on fiscal management, deliberately glossing over the fact that Liberal governments had budgetary surpluses from 1997 to 2005.

In fact Stephen Harper is so obsessed with destroying the Trudeau name, he is currently reaching back decades in a pathetic attempt to link Justin Trudeau to the unbalanced budgets of his father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau.

Harper has broken numerous promises. Here are a few examples: an open ethical government, major military procurements, support for Canadian veterans, construction of heavy duty icebreakers to increase Canadian presence in the north, and even the developing of a cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions.

The only promises Harper makes a point of keeping appear to be the ones that reward his Conservative base.

In recent years, Green Party candidates have garnered my support because I refuse to vote for a political party that allows an authoritarian leader to treat their own members of Parliament like mindless marine mammals that must sit quietly until commanded to bark out deviously contrived talking points.

No doubt Strangward will be surprised to learn my preferred political position is moderately right of centre.

Lloyd Atkins


Vernon Morning Star