IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Questions about District Design 2013, Part II

There were a lot of questions coming out of SD51's District Design 2013 forums. Here are more.

Last week I shared with you some of the common questions and comments that emerged during the four District Design 2013 public forums that were held across the Boundary school district.

Here are some other questions:

Have you talked to students?

We contemplated holding forums for students this spring, but after consultation with principals, it was decided that it could prove to be unnecessarily alarming for some students to be part of this discussion too early, as no decisions have been made.

We decided to wait until we knew what the potential reconfiguration would be before we talk to kids.

In September, students will be engaged in conversation and will be given the opportunity to be more deeply involved in a focus group if they wish.  This process will happen slightly ahead of us going back out to the public this fall.

What about class sizes?  Will they be larger?

Class sizes for primary cannot exceed 24.  For elementary, right now the largest classes are between 27 and 29, most likely they will continue no matter the configuration. This is not about trying to make class sizes larger.  The school district has a history of protecting class size and the average class size is considerably less than the provincial average.

What about administration, will you make cuts/changes?

There are three upcoming retirements in July 2013, the superintendent, director of instruction and the principal of Boundary Central Secondary School.  We will take the opportunity presented by these retirements to look at our administrative structure at the district level.

Additionally, once we have determined what any potential reconfiguration will look like, we will be addressing the administrative structure/time in each of our schools.

Even if it is decided to stay status quo, administrative structures will still be examined, as there is a retirement at the school level.

As a matter of fact, we examine our school-based administration levels every year and the majority of our principals and vice-principals also teach as part of their assignment.

How and when will the decision about middle schools be made?

All of the public/staff forum comments, questions and survey results – to access survey, go to and fill out the one for your area – are being complied.

The board and administrative team will go through the information and determine in what potential direction we want to go in.

Once a tentative direction has been decided, we will look at the potential savings and/or costs.

An administrative structure will be determined to fit the option along with a support structure for schools i.e.: custodial and secretarial time.

In the fall, we will go back out to the public with a full picture of all those elements for feedback.

The final decision will be made by the board of education at a public board meeting, most likely in November.

We expect that if any changes are to be made, they will be for September 2013.

Please visit the school district website to see the public presentation, minutes from each of the four forums, along with research and other supporting documentation.

The board is very appreciative of the input provided into this process by staff and the public.  It is very important that we hear your thoughts and opinions.

Your input will lead to better and more informed decision-making.   The board does not want a top down decision, but rather one that is accountable and responsive to the needs of students, staff, parents and community members.

Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you at the public forums this fall.

– Teresa Rezansoff is chair for School District 51’s board of education

Grand Forks Gazette