Industrious firefighters take down election signs

Firefighters showed community spirit by taking down election signs and storing them, and doing so promptly.

Editor: While walking on Sunday morning in Noel Booth Park, I came across a large number of industrious men laboriously emptying trucks in the forecourt of the Number 5 fire hall.

I discovered they were indeed firefighters. They had been out since the early morning, gathering the placards that had been erected along the roadsides prior to the election.

I could see how they were separating all the signs into separate stacks around the forecourt, according to each candidate.

On enquiry, I was told these firefighters, both volunteers and paid, had come out, doubtless many on their day off, to tidy our thoroughfares.

We all recognize that firefighters are held in high esteem for their courageous work.  Their expertise and knowledge is very much admired.

They didn’t have to take time out of their day to stack placards, did they?

Without fanfare, they were demonstrating how much they care for our community.

Had I not walked by at that particular time, their efforts would have remained an anonymous gift to us all.

Not only are they brave in the face of spectacular danger but by their actions they were also unobtrusively making me aware of their deep-seated attitude towards civic responsibility.

I felt their community spirit should not go without the recognition it so justly deserves.

You set us a high standard to aspire to in Langley.

Thank you firemen.

Ruth E. Stewart,


Langley Times