Influx of Syrian and other refugees caused by ‘American predatory wars’

There are countless examples of cruelty and destruction Americans inflicted and continue to inflict, says letter writer Anton Skerbinc

To the Editor:

The latest major news is the massive influx of refugees from Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan into Europe. We don’t know the actual numbers, but we do know that they are all refugees from the American predatory wars. Apparently, nearly 70 per cent of them are from Syria, 20 per cent from Afghanistan and smaller numbers from those other countries.

The American rulers and their stooges would have us believe that this migration happened because of the evil president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. But when we look back the last 50 years or so, we can see that it is but another detail of American foreign policy. There are countless examples of unbelievable cruelty and destruction that they inflicted, and continue to inflict on sovereign countries.

The immense migration activities appear more like a social engineering project or internal reshaping of Europe. At we read: “As the last attempt to justify a final push toward regime change in Syria falters, and as European powers begin deciding whether or not to intervene further in Syria alongside the U.S., a sudden and convenient deluge of refugees has flooded Europe, almost as if on cue. Scenes like out of a movie showed hordes of tattered refugees herded along various borders as they apparently appeared out of what the Western media has portrayed as a puff of smoke at Europe’s gate.

“In reality, they did not appear out of a puff of smoke. They appeared in Turkey, a NATO member since the 1950s and one of America’s closest regional allies. Turkey is currently hosting the U.S. military, including special forces and the CIA who have, together with Turkish military and intelligence agencies, been conducting a proxy war on neighbouring Syria since 2011. … Turkey has suspiciously maintained a very enthusiastic ‘open door’ policy for refugees, spending inexplicable sums of money and political capital in accommodating them.”

Over the last four years, around two million of them were gathered, so the “sudden” flood of refugees in Europe was planned for some time. As regards their distribution, I think they should be taken in by the U.S., Israel, France, UK, Germany and others who participated in the destruction of their home countries. Instead, small countries like Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, who are neither politically nor materially prepared for this, are being pressured to suddenly provide for thousands of the unfortunate victims of American wars.

The Sept. 21 Maclean’s magazine has 14 pages of text and images dedicated to the current refugee migration to Europe, yet there is not even a hint of explanation about the causes of this calamity. One wonders, will the mainstream media in this country ever again report events as they are or will they just accept the lies and deceptions emanating from Washington and London?

This brings me to the subject of views and attitudes held by our Canadian politicians. I just lately read the transcript of the leaders’ debate and found it only moderately OK. In my opinion, the only one that showed independent thinking was Elizabeth May of the Greens; I also recall that years ago, she was the only party leader in Canada who opposed American destruction of Libya. My second choice is the frontrunner Tom Mulcair of the NDP. I am sure some voters are repelled by his scruffy appearance, but as long as he gets more votes than Stephen Harper, he is all-right by me.

Anton Skerbinc



Creston Valley Advance