The Week December 30 – January 5, 1909
Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives
Chief Cory Dow exonerated … No Evidence Adduced in Support of “Searchlight”
Charges: “I can say what we think in a very few words. We are surprised that a man of your cloth should have published statements that reflected upon Chief Cory Dow and his family; that you should have accepted second or third hand statements as a basis for your published remarks. We do not believe your statements to be true and we absolutely exonerate Mr. Dow”.
In the foregoing words, Mayor Fink, chairman of the board of police commissioners, late on Tuesday afternoon disposed of the Searchlight charges against Chief Cory Dow. This decision was reached after the whole afternoon had been spent in a vigorous cross-examination of Chief Dow by Mr. A. I. Fisher, barrister, of Fernie, who had come down to Cranbrook for the express purpose.
When the enquiry reopened at 2.30 on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. A. I. Fisher was present to represent Rev. R. Hughes. He asked that Chief Cory Dow be called first, basing this request upon the premise that the enquiry was not in the nature of a court proceeding and that as a matter of fact Mr. Dow was not charged with anything.
Upon the resumption of proceedings, Mr. Hughes intimated that they had no intention of calling further evidence. He had been actuated by the best of motives in making the statements complained of in the “Searchlight,” and he was glad an investigation had been held. If the commissioners were not satisfied that his statements were based upon facts, he would like them to say so and he would reproduce their findings in the next issue of his paper. He very much regretted if any man’s character had suffered by any statement of his. He greatly regretted that anything should be said to reflect upon any person’s character. However, he was still of the opinion that the commission should have allowed his counsel further latitude in his cross-examination.
Immediately Mr. Hughes resumed his seat, Chairman Fink rose and made the statement appearing at the beginning of this report. Proceedings then adjourned.
Municipal election … After a great deal of quiet work on the part of representative citizens a slate for the new council has at last been framed up, which appears to meet with a very large measure of public approval and it is extremely probable that the entire slate will be elected by acclamation. J. P. Fink, in response to a numerously signed requisition, has consented to accept nomination once again as mayor.
For aldermen the following have finally consented to run, making up a ticket that is highly profitable to the city: Jos. Campbell, of Campbell & Manning, grocers; Dr. F. W. Green; Ald. DeVere Hunt; Ald. Geo. W. Johnson; D. J. Johnson, contractor; Ald. V. Hyde Baker.
It will be noted that only three of last year’s aldermen will seek reelection, Aldermen DeVere Hunt, G. W. Johnson and Baker.
The new men on the slate are all well and favorably known and represent in one way and another all interests and every class in the community.
The foregoing slate does not pretend to represent any special faction or clique. It is made up of good businessmen, who have the respect of the community and who, it is believed, will work together harmoniously for the best interests of the city. They are all men of experience and none of them is likely to allow personal considerations to outweigh the true interests of the city.
School contractors put out … Trustees Take Over Work of Completing New Building.
On Monday last the board of school trustees had to take strong measures to secure the completion of the new public school building in time for the re-opening of the school term on Monday next.
For some weeks past the trustees have been endeavoring to spur the contractors on to greater speed in the work of completing the building, hut without success. The contract should have been completed on the 15th of September last and ever since that date the trustees have kept everlastingly after the contractors urging them to rush work.
On Monday morning last, realizing that unless some heroic action were taken the school building would not be ready for occupation on the 3rd January, the date for the reassembling of school after the Christmas holidays, the trustees met and decided to take over the work still unfinished themselves, put on men and rush things through. The expense to be borne by the contractors. Consequently Contractor G. R. Leask and a force of men were put to work.
At the outset the contractors raised objections, but the appearance on the scene of Chief Cory Dow quickly settled all disputes and the men employed by the trustees have since been working night and day and there is good prospect of the building being sufficiently far advanced to permit of classes assembling therein on Monday morning next.
The gymnasium … The Boys Brigade will meet on Monday evening, January 10th, in drill order. The roll will be called and applications for membership will be received. All boys are requested to bring uniforms without fail. The gym will be open again on Monday evening, January 3rd. It is hoped that basketball games will soon be in full swing now that the busy Christmas season is over. Special half season rates can now be obtained, good till March 31st.
Report of recent visit by Rev. Dr. Mcdougall … “For people who are just out of nomadic habits and subsisting by hunting and fishing, the Indians of British Columbia, have made wonderful progress in the past few years,” said Rev. Dr. McDougall, who has returned to Calgary from a three weeks’ visit of inspection of the Indian reserves in the Kootenay district.
There are six large reserves in that part of the province located at Tobacco Plains, St. Mary’s, Creston, Arrow Lakes, and two, the Kootusai and Shenwap, near Windermere.
Dr. McDougall reported that the Indians are making good progress in agriculture and stock-raising. They are not treaty Indians and they have to support themselves, which is an easy matter in British Columbia, where game and fish are so plentiful in the lakes and rivers. They are located on some very good land and are rapidly adopting the habits and manner of living of their white neighbors”.
Dr. McDougall leaves next week for Ottawa to prepare a report for the Department of the Interior of his work for the past five months as Doukhobor commissioner and inspector of Indian reserves.
Spiral tunnels completed … “Big Hill” Grade On C. P. R. Materially Reduced. Work has just been completed on the most colossal piece of spiral tunneling work that has ever been attempted in Canada in the finishing of the two famous spiral tunnels on the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway between Field and Hector, which will add several miles to the length of the track, together with over a mile of tunneling and a couple of bridges, but will so cut the “Big Hill” grade as to more than double the tractive power of the locomotives.
While the work meant the excavation of nearly three-quarters of a million of cubic yards of virgin rock, the employment of a thousand men for nearly two years, the boring of about a mile and a half of tunnels through mountains ten thousand feet high, and the building of two bridges over the Kicking Horse river, it is estimated that it will prove a splendid investment for the Canadian Pacific railway, as it will reduce this grade from 4.5 to a maximum of 2.2.
This will mean that the biggest obstacle to the running of trains over the Rocky Mountains has been removed, and that in future on this section of the line two engines will be able to do much more work than four engines have hitherto been able to do at much less expense to the company and with an almost complete elimination of the ever present risk of life operating trains on a steep grade.
Ice news … Monday morning found the Lower Moyie Lake almost entirely frozen over, and by evening skaters were going back and forth and all over the broad expanse of ice. Last year the lake did not freeze over until the 29th of December.
Moyie news …The fire bell which was donated to the town by Chas. Stagg is now hung in the tower at the fire hall. The bell weighs 185 pounds. The tone is clear and can be heard distinctly in all parts of the town.
Father transferred … The people of the Moyie Catholic church presented Father Beck with an address and purse in the vestry on Saturday evening. Father Beck replied in an interesting talk on his pastorate in Moyie, and thanked the people for their kindly consideration and hearty co-operation in the affairs of the church during his charge. Father Beck will be permanently stationed at the Mission, but may for a time visit Moyie. His successor, who has not yet been appointed, will have charge of Moyie and Creston.
Wardner news … Miss M. S. Morrison left for Fernie on Tuesday afternoon, where she will spend the remainder of the week visiting friends. Miss Morrison will take charge of one of the rooms of the Fernie public school beginning with the re-opening of school in January.
Ice bridge … The severe weather of late has caused the ice bridge over the Kootenay River to form very much earlier than usual. It is in fine shape now and has aided greatly in the Christmas trade.
Small congregations … Christmas would at least appear to be a good time to discuss church going. The majority consider that Wardner is not a church-going town. In this we agree, but when they come to assign the reasons for this, it is singular that not one has the frankness to endorse the opinion held and expressed by nine-tenths of the people, which is that laxity in church-going is mainly due to weakness in the pastorate.
Some lay the blame to one thing, some to another, but the real reason is that the men who enter the ministry are as a rule less intelligent than the average members of their congregations, and unfortunately are not aware of the fact.
The truth is, that the Christian ministry in Canada does not attract the best intellects of the community, and men will not go Sunday after Sunday to listen to the twaddle that is dished up to them under the heading of “Sermon.”
The remedy is, to pay stipends large enough to attract the best men, and to insist on personal fitness as well as educational attainments. When this standard has been attained there will be no difficulty in filling the churches.
Good sledding … The sleighing is excellent and a number of the people of the town are able to enjoy its pleasures, as some of the residents have provided themselves with conveyances of their own.
Great Christmas dinner … Mr. Wm. Green and his staff of assistants at the company’s boarding house served dinner on Christmas evening to about one hundred and fifty of the people of Wardner and their friends. It would take too long and we would be taking up too much space if we made any attempt at going into details regarding this repast, so will not do so, as all who have ever had the pleasure of eating at Mr. Green’s table will readily understand what is meant by this statement.
The tables were filled to overflowing with everything that anyone could wish for.
The lumber company, under the management of Mr. P. Lund, deserve the heartiest praise and gratitude for the liberal way in which they provide for this festive occasion, and the hearty invitation which they extended to all the people of the town.
Solves most things … If you are suffering from billiousness, constipation, indigestion, chronic headache, invest one cent in postal card, send to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the back, and they will forward you a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tables. Sold by all druggists and dealers.
For sale … Five roomed cottage on Fenwick avenue, with henery and coal and wood shed. Light and water. Apply B. McGoldric.
Jolly Santa at the Baptist Bible School … The annual Christmas tree entertainment of the Bible school of the Cranbrook Baptist church was held on Wednesday, the 29th.
There was a house full, chiefly of juveniles. The program was excellent, both as to the songs, recitations, dialogues, etc., and its moderate length. Pastor Charles W. King occupied the chair and warmly recommended the scholars for their growing interest in the work of the school and attendance at the public services.
Mr. C. R. Shepherd, the superintendent, in a few brief words, noted the substantial growth of the school and presented a number of prizes to the scholars.
Then a considerable racket outside created some commotion among the scholars. It was found to be caused by the arrival of Santa Claus by flight of airship. Part of the noise was produced by his old sleigh bells which the old joy-maker cannot discard in his change of locomotion.
The very Scotch-like accent of Mr. Claus betrayed where he came from last or some other time. Some of the youngsters whispered suspiciously to the others “I know who he is.” Everybody was delighted with his visit and all had a good time. The tree was well laden with candies, cards and gifts, some of which created no little merriment. In the program the great unspeakable gift was given due and helpful prominence.
Christmas at the Catholic church … The Christmas tree entertainment and children’s special which were held at the Catholic Church on Christmas day afternoon were pronounced a decided success.
The Catholic children, resident in Cranbrook, under fourteen years of age, number about one hundred and there was a present for each on the Christmas tree.
A brighter and happier crowd never had gathered into the church before, and the entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Much credit is due to Mrs. J. J. Kennedy, Miss Goulet and Mr. McKinnon for the splendid way in which everything was carried out to render the children happy.
On the next day the faithful of the church were each presented with a Christmas present from the parish priest, in the form of a Catholic year book and directory for the year 1910. This book is intended to be for them and their friends a source of information for things that are Catholic and pertain to the religious services as are held at the different Catholic churches in South East Kootenay.
Saturday, the first of the year, will be observed as a holiday. Mass will be celebrated at 9 o’clock in the morning, and benediction will be given at 7.30 p.m. The pastor desires to extend to all the friends of the church his best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Santa at knox church … A Christmas tree and social was given to the Knox church Sunday school in the school room on Thursday night, December 23rd, and for over two hours the children held high carnival there.
The little tots were entertained at the home of R. S. Garrett, while the older ones played games of various sorts in the school room.
At 9.30 all gathered in the school room and Santa Claus was promptly on hand to strip a Christmas tree well laden with candies, nuts, raisins and oranges. The following received prizes for the most regular attendance at both church and Sunday school: Daisy McCallum, a box of note paper; Robert Finley, a book; Nellie McKinstry, a purse; Neil McCallum, a game; Helen McKinstry, a workbox; Mabel Taylor, a center piece; Hazel Taylor, a book; Charles Watson, a pair of reins; Paul McKinstry, a pistol.
When he had finished his distribution Santa shook hands and kissed a number of the eager little ones and withdrew. Then refreshments of cocoa, cake and sandwiches were served and the evening’s excitement came to an end.
Hockey league … A meeting of the Cranbrook Hockey league is called for Tuesday evening next at the Cranbrook hotel for 8 o’clock sharp. The committee appointed for that purpose have waited upon the Arena rink managers and arranged for dates for use of the rink by the league. Practice games will be allowed three times a week and matches once a week. On New Year’s day an exhibition game will be played between teams representing the C.P.R. and the town. The costumes for the C.P.R. team have arrived and the boys will turn out in all their splendor on New Year’s day.
Returning to Fort Steele … Miss L. Tannhauser, who has been on the Cranbrook post office staff for the past seven years, is leaving on account of ill-health. Miss Tannhauser will return to her home at Fort Steele.
She will be greatly missed from this city, as apart from her careful attention to her duties at the post office she has actively interested herself in the work of the local branch of the order of Rebekahs, in which order she has filled every chair, being now past noble grand.
Cranbrook friends will wish her speedy restoration to health and a very happy New Year.
Bees … At the meeting of the Farmers’ Institute on Wednesday night, Mr. T. S. Gill read a paper of the greatest interest to everyone interested in horticulture. The principal part of the paper dealt with the work performed by bees in the fertilization of flowers, and pointed out the necessity of this in order that perfect fruit should be produced, and also introduced many interesting details of the life and habits of the busy little insect.
Owing to the limited time before the issue of the Herald this week, we are unable to print Mr. Gill’s paper in full, but hope to do so in our next edition and we feel sure it will be read with great interest.