It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1910

It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1910

Jan. 20-26: Compiled by Dave Humphrey from the newspapers at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives

For the week of January 20 – 26: Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Council attacks … A feature of the recent campaign was the distribution of dodgers, at the eleventh hour, containing all manner of attacks upon the late council.

Explanatory … The delay in the issue of the Herald this week was due to failure of the water power. It was impossible to run both the typesetting machine and the press at the same time, with the very limited power available. Consequently the press work had to be postponed until after 6 p.m.

Lumberman’s convention … The lumbermen’s convention, which took place in this city last week, terminated most successfully and enjoyably in the grand ball at the Auditorium on Friday night, at which upwards of four hundred people were present.

It is not saying too much to say that the lumbermen provided one of the most enjoyable balls ever held in this city.

The Auditorium was handsomely decorated, the work of a committee of ladies, assisted by the staff of the Cranbrook Electric Light company. Excellent music was provided by Nolan’s Spokane orchestra, which kept the dancers going merrily until the early hours of Saturday morning. The attendance was very large, there being present, in addition to residents of Cranbrook, a large number of visitors from Nelson, Moyie, Creston, Elko, Wardner, Fernie and other nearby points!

In every respect the utmost pains were taken to provide for the comfort and entertainment of all visitors, the arrangements generally reflecting great credit upon those in charge.

Supper was served at the Cranbrook hotel and, needless to say, it was excellent in every respect.

Sleighs conveyed the guests to and from the Auditorium.

The lumbermen’s ball will long remain a pleasant memory to those who had the privilege to be among the invited guests.

Editorial … The outcome of the recent municipal elections cannot be regarded otherwise than as generally satisfactory. A tried, experienced man has been retained as mayor and the new blood added to the council board promises to prove thoroughly efficient.

Whilst there is good reason for gratification at the outcome, it cannot be said that the campaign preceding the election was entirely satisfactory or worthy of the important issues at stake.

In the first place, we think the city electorate are entitled to greater consideration than was shewn them. A public meeting, at which the members of the old council could have given an account of their stewardship and the new candidates for office could have outlined their views and explained their attitude towards the chief issues, should have been held some few days before the balloting. Had this been done it would have obviated what was a very unpleasant feature of the late campaign, the distribution of dodgers, alleging all manner of wrong doing against the old council.

This was a quite inexcusable course on the part of the committee in charge of the Finlay ticket’s campaign. If those who prepared and circulated these dodgers had any confidence in the soundness of their charges, they should at least have submitted them to the press for publication in time to permit of reply thereto by those accused.

Doubtless this feature of the campaign told heavily against those responsible for it, for the average western elector abominates anything in the nature of unfairness.

However, the past is past and we can promise that so far as the Herald is concerned strong effort will be made to guard against any repetition of these tactics in the future. The new council has made a good start and we may anticipate with confidence good, honest work in the interests of the city during the ensuing twelve months.

New council … The first meeting of the new city council took place on Monday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, there being present Mayor Fink and Aldermen Hunt, Johnson, Campbell, Patmore and Jackson. Mayor Fink in opening the meeting, congratulated the old members upon their re-election and extended a hearty welcome to the new members of the board. He expressed the hope that the work of the coming year would be carried on in the same spirit as prevailed last year and that everything would be done with an eye single to the best interests of the city.

Moyie death … Geo. Hedley, who took an overdose of poison, believed to be cocaine, yesterday (Friday) died this morning about two o’clock. Hedley had been washing dishes at the Central hotel for about two months. He was about 32 years of age, and had been out from England about six years.

A. E. Watts … One of the best known business men in the Kootenays is A. E. Watts, of Wattsburg, president of the Watts Manufacturing company, with mills and plant at Wattsburg in East Kootenay. While primarily engaged in the lumber business, the Watts company makes a specialty of wire-wound wooden pipe. The manufacture of this has been carried on for some years at Wattsburg and the product of the factory has met with such a ready sale that the company has been unable to keep up with the demand.

The increased demand for piping, has led the company to undertake the installation of a pipe plant in connection with its mill at Proctor, taken over a few months ago from the Proctor Lumber company. This pipe-making plant is almost ready for operation and will be in every respect as complete as it can be made, so that the company hopes from now on to be able to more fully cope with all orders which may be sent to it.

Fernie news … Nomination day has come and gone and the citizens of the “Pittsburg of Canada” failed to place candidates in the field for civil honors. Is it that the men of Fernie are so taken up with business affairs that no time can be spared for public benefit, or is it that not enough interest is taken in the welfare of our city as a city?

Cemetery concerns … The matter of improvement of cemetery grounds was placed in the hands of the Anglican rector and the church wardens for consideration and with power to carry out improvement if thought advisable.

Anglican news … The matter of the introduction of the new hymn book was given into the hands of the select vestry for consideration and with power to act. By a standing vote, those present made acknowledgment of their appreciation of the long and faithful services of Miss Armstrong as organist. Miss Armstrong retired from the position a t the end of the year. Votes of thanks were passed to officers and guilds and choir for faithful service.

Knox church news … A very pleasing feature of the evening to all interested in the welfare of the church was a report from the Managers and Session, to the effect that they had unanimously agreed to make Rev. Mr. Main’s stipend $1,500, an increase of $300. Mr. and Mrs. Main were also extended a hearty vote of thanks for their arduous work throughout the year. Mr. Main feelingly replied on behalf of Mrs. Main and himself, and thanked all for their loyal support, cordiality and friendship.

The following managers were appointed for the year 1910: E. Paterson, J. F. Spence, W. E. Worden, F. Dezall, A. A. MacKinnon, J. G. McCallum and W. D. Laidlaw. E. Paterson was re-elected treasurer; David Wilson, secretary, with H. Campbell as his assistant. Messrs. Laurie, McCallum, McCowan, Campbell, Finley, Kottiemere, Clark and Adair were appointed church ushers.

Refreshments were served at the close of the business.

Rheumatism … F. Ryckman, C. P. R. brakeman, who has been confined to the hospital for the past few weeks suffering with rheumatism, is making rapid improvement.

New building …The new power house for the Cranbrook Electric Light company is just about completed. The contractors are now putting the iron roof on the building and when finished it will be an ornament to the city. The building is of solid brick and cement. The machinery for the new plant will be all shipped from the east between now and February 1st, and the company expects to have the plant in operation about the latter end of March.

Cranbrook Women’s Institute … At the second regular meeting of the Cranbrook Women’s Institute, held at the government offices, there was a large attendance, over twenty ladies being present. Mrs. Gill, the president, gave a most instructive and comprehensive talk upon housekeeping accounts. Following this came the reading of a good paper on salads and a discussion of points raised. The gathering proved both enjoyable and instructive and the prospects of a successful year’s work could not be more satisfactory for the Cranbrook Women’s Institute.

Guilty … On Monday, before Joseph Ryan and M. A. Beale, sitting as justices of the peace for the county, a young fellow was charged on the information of F. R. Morris, provincial constable, with stealing a watch and chain from a man named Carl Hedin at the Standard Lumber company’s premises outside the city.

Laughren pleaded guilty to the charge. He stated that he was born in Chicago about nineteen years ago and had been in Canada for about six years. He had never taken out his papers of naturalization.

He was sentenced to seven days imprisonment and ordered to be deported back to the States.

It is understood that the necessary papers for this purpose have been sent to John Dunlop, inspector of immigration at Kingsgate.

New directory … The Kootenay Telephone Lines, Limited, now have their new directory for Cranbrook, Fernie and Moyie and all other points on their system in the hands of the printers and expect, unless the printing staff meet with sudden death, to be able to deliver same to subscribers in a few days. The company report a first-class business to Alberta points over their new line and the public seem to appreciate the value of instant communication with the outside world, as they now have the advantage of knowing that their messages have been received by the party they were intended for, also receiving their answer instantly. This is where the telephone has a decided advantage over telegraphing. Moral: Use the long distance telephone.

Salvation army… Lieut.-Col. Howell, of the Salvation Army, delivered a very interesting and instructive address at the local barracks last Tuesday evening on the immigration work of the Army. He dealt with the subject on broad lines, pointing out that in the past five years the Salvation Army had been responsible for the migration of upwards of 50,000 people from Great Britain to Canada, and of this vast number the percentage of failures was practically insignificant, in fact could be counted on the fingers of his two hands.

He explained lucidly the pains taken by the Army officials to see that none but capable people were sent out to Canada.

He spoke hopefully of British Columbia as a field for the better class of Army emigrants, the younger and more vigorous element of those desirous of making a fresh start in life in a new country.

Lieut-Colonel Howell went to Nelson on Wednesday.

Dear Sir… Cranbrook, B.C., Jan. 14, 1910. Mayor Fink, Cranbrook— I wish to convey my thanks to the subscribers of the handsome purse presented to me on the occasion of my leaving the service of the Cranbrook post office, and to thank them from the bottom of my heart for the same, and the most kindly words said about the performance of my duties. I need hardly say that I was greatly surprised and pleased at the receipt of such a handsome testimonial.

I have always tried to be civil and attentive to everyone, and to perform my duties, I hope, satisfactorily, and I am pleased beyond measure that my efforts have been appreciated. Thanking you and my friends for their generous contribution, kind words spoken, and good wishes for the future. I remain, thankfully yours, Lillian Tannhauser.

Change of hands … As will be seen by the announcement appearing elsewhere in this issue, S. Mighton has disposed of his cigar store to Lester Clapp. Mr. Mighton intends retiring from business and enjoying a well-earned rest. During the several years Mr. Mighton has been in business in this city, he has always taken a keen interest in its progress and has set a splendid example in enterprise by the manner in which he conducted his business. Mighton’s cigar store was famous throughout the interior and was probably the largest and best stocked store of its kind in the province, outside of Vancouver. Mr. Clapp, who succeeds Mr. Mighton, intends to conduct the business upon equally progressive lines.

Subscriptions increased … Fred Ogle, the circulation agent of the Herald, has returned to town from a trip to points west, during which he succeeded in materially increasing the circulation of this paper. For the next few days he will devote his time to a thorough canvass of the city for subscription accounts in arrears and for new subscribers. The Herald is putting forth renewed efforts to give its readers an up-to-date local news service and it is confidently anticipated that this effort will meet with generous response from all our citizens. Non-subscribers are invited to turn in their names to Mr. Ogle, or direct to this office and old subscribers are reminded that it takes money to produce a good newspaper, so that they will confer a favor and help along the work by responding promptly to Mr. Ogle’s request for settlement of arrears.

Cranbrook Townsman

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