It’s all about freedom of speech

I have to say that her letter seemed a tad hypocritical.

Re: Morgen Tomkins’ letter about the anti-abortion ad

I have to say that her letter seemed a tad hypocritical. Indeed Nelson is a town that prides itself on being open-minded and supportive of free speech. Regardless of where one might stand on the abortion issue, placing a pro-life advertisement in a local paper is exactly that: free speech. You can’t have it both ways. I felt the same way when the pro-life billboards were constantly being defaced just outside of town. If you support free speech, then you support it in all forms, regardless of whether or not you agree with it. If you have a problem with it, place your own ad. People have a right to express their beliefs, just as you have done in your letter to the editor.

Anna Lauriente



Nelson Star