Keeping the pace not easy

More great exposure for Nelson last week, this time in one of the most influential publications in the UK.

More great exposure for Nelson last week, this time in one of the most influential publications in the UK. The Guardian is seen by more than 250,000 readers a day and the online edition is the second most read website in Britain. Nelson has now been introduced to plenty more folks across the Atlantic.

For those of us who breathe in Kootenay life each day, it’s really no surprise to read glowing reviews about our community. It simply adds an exclamation mark to why we choose to live amongst the mountains and along the shoreline of Kootenay Lake.

We should always embrace positive press. It leads to bolstered tourism and attracts new residents. Though somewhat difficult to track the actual impact, every little bit helps and over the years Nelson has received plenty.

Though a shot to our self-esteem, these types of stories should also provide a reality check. Nelson has distinguished itself as a funky rural outpost with much to offer visitors and potential new residents. Though we may be the envy of many other small towns in this province, we must never become complacent. Once you have set the bar high, it requires hard work to maintain the pace.

Continuing to improve on what we have is ultimately charged to community leaders. From City Hall to service clubs, those who make policy and get their hands dirty to make our community better are looked upon to set the agenda. But we all have a stake in the future.

Whether it’s continually improving your property, volunteering for youth sport, boasting about life in Nelson when you travel away or simply smiling at strangers in the coffee shop, we all have the ability to ensure this city continues to leave a positive impression.

We should enjoy the praise, but always be striving to impress others who stumble upon what we cherish.


Nelson Star