Killing your customers is bad for business

I’ve had thousands of customers … it never occurred to me to kill them

Editor, The Times:

It goes without saying that criminals aren’t typically the sharpest knives in the drawer.

However, I cannot understand the utter lack of common sense some drug dealers are operating with these days.

I am referring to those adding fentanyl to their illicit product.

I have been in business in Kamloops for nearly 30 years.

In that time, I’ve had thousands of customers.

It was always my intention to do a good job for them as I wanted, and appreciated, their repeat business.

It never occurred to me to kill them.

Maybe I don’t understand basic business, but somehow I always thought it would be more profitable to have them use my services more than once.

T. Weiss

Kamloops, B.C.


Clearwater Times