Ladysmith trolley a treasure

I find Mr. Spence’s audacity in presuming that he is expressing the opinions of the people of Ladysmith astonishing. A few disgruntled letters to the editor does not constitute the beliefs of “a large number of residents”.

I am writing in response to one of his comments “we don’t want an empty bus polluting our streets”.

I see the trolley as a charitable service that is provided with help from donations made by local businesses and private citizens. Now, students can arrive home from school warm and dry on a rainy day, parents can take their children on a sightseeing “adventure” around Ladysmith and Seniors can shop for groceries, do their banking, visit the hairdresser, go for a cup of coffee, or enjoy the beauty of Transfer Beach on a warm, sunny day.

The trolley is empty at times? SO WHAT.

I moved to this town 16 years ago for a variety of reasons, one being the incredible generosity, acceptance and kindness most residents offer their neighbours. I have lived in many places and Ladysmith surpasses them all.

Mr. Spence, if you find Ladysmith as disagreeable as you insinuate you might consider moving someplace that is more to your liking.

Margaret Fraser


Ladysmith Chronicle