Landline wouldn't work to report power outage

Landline wouldn’t work to report power outage

This is a situation that is flawed for our emergency preparedness.

Landline wouldn’t work to report power outage

Isn’t it ironic? We had a power outage this week on our street, apparently from a transformer problem. Because we had no power, I phoned B.C. Hydro on our landline to report the outage that we use when the power is out.

Using their automated system I pressed numbers for reporting a power outage. The system did not work with my push button phone. I was repeatedly returned to “main menu”. I finally used my cell phone to report the outage. Keep in mind cell phones need power to charge and hopefully in an emergency cell towers will work.

This is a situation that is flawed for our emergency preparedness. One can have the water, food, first aid in their emergency kits; however our landlines for emergencies in a power outage will not connect with our electricity provider. Ironic, don’t you think?

Jane Martin

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen