Langley one of few places worth living in

Why put more casinos in a town with a family atmosphere worth living in?

Editor: I was very disappointed and surprised to read a letter in The Times (Sept. 25) about how we need more casinos. I’ve moved back to Langley after being away for four years.

One of the major reasons was I missed all the lovely green nature here, the farmlands, and while having all the amenities, Langley still felt like a small to medium- size town that hasn’t totally been ruined by this type of influence.

Why would we want to put casinos in, for people to throw their money away? I realize it is their choice, but do we have to contribute to it?

Langley unfortunately, with all its building of row houses, and now this proposition among other things, will become a place less desirable to live in. It’s the only place in B.C. that I’m still comfortable in, where I can enjoy a more family atmosphere and down-to-earth people.

Please, no more casinos. We have to think of the atmosphere of the town and not just the almighty dollar. While Langley changed in the four years I’ve been gone, it is still livable and friendly.

Kelly Mahastri,


Langley Times