Large jumps in property values penalizing some homeowners

Two letter writers comment on huge increases in assessments on their homes

Regarding house values going through the roof, I too was slammed hard this year.

I have a 1,300-sq.-ft.rancher that was built in 1976 and my property is on an easement. near 92A Street and 139 Avenue.

Last year’s property value was at $446.200 and this year’s is,$681,000 – a  jump of 53 per cent. I don’t know how this is going to affect taxes come July, but I have always been able to get the “basic” homeowners grant and that means a whole lot as I’m on CPP disability and rely on the discount.

I wanted to vent my situation as it made my temper rise.

Mike Cote




Re: Surrey residential property values up 34-50 per cent.

Like Sheila Gair’s letter refers to in The Leader on Jan. 11, our assessments have been going up approximately one per cent a year from 2013-2016.

We also have not done any home improvements for many years. Our 40-year-old “building” (home) went up almost $15,000. Our assessment went up 80 per cent, adding $750,700 to our total.

We have one monster house on our road (14,000 square feet) and two more are in the process of being built (7,000 square feet and 14,000 square feet).

Why should we be penalized living in our modest “building” (1,500 square feet) because others choose to build way beyond what they need?

Dave and Lee Plett


Surrey Now Leader