Latest storm strengthens argument for 29 St. crossing

Dear editor,

The recent flooding of the low areas in Courtenay show that any money spent on a third crossing of the river in that same region would be ill spent.

Starr Winchester, a long-time resident and from a family known for serving the community governing process and then an engineer writing a letter to this editor earlier, pointed out the third crossing is better considered from the 29th St. to Dyke Road. Starr suggesting a wise move to continue on and connect it with McDonald Road.

Why not get the engineers, Courtenay, Comox and First Nations leadership discussing this causeway or bridge? The evidence for such sound solution is surrounding our feet.

If a Comox Valley informational mail out referendum was held, the citizens could speak to the location issue.

The objections to a third crossing here are not without means of resolving according to the engineer’s letter. Who’s afraid of the big Valley-wide look at this issue?

Lynn & Dick Sangster



Comox Valley Record