Layton’s Toronto activism stands out to letter-writer

Jack Layton

Re: Layton’s dedication was inspiring (Comment, Aug. 26)

Reading her words, I was overjoyed at Charla Huber’s reflections. That a young woman can show such sensitivity and perception augers well for this generation and our collective future.

I count it a personal privilege to have known and worked with Jack Layton during those turbulent years in the 70s and 80s in Toronto. We were fellow activists and fought in many of the same political trenches around important community issues. One in particular stands out – the fight to save the Toronto Island homes and community from the voracious appetite of developers and their city hall operatives. We won that fight in no small measure to the consistent work of Jack and other leaders. He had integrity and a tenacious spirit to build a more compassionate and caring community.

Like Ms. Huber I mourned his untimely death and joined fellow citizens to salute his life. Thank you Charla Huber for your lovely tribute.

Dale Perkins


Victoria News