Leave fanatics out of political office

Re: Report card time for local politicians (B.C. Views, Sept. 24).

Re: Report card time for local politicians (B.C. Views, Sept. 24).

Communism lovers hypocritically talk out of both ends and cost taxpayers. Ben Isitt should not change Canada to the system he loves, he should just pack his bags and go to Venezuela or Russia or maybe North Korea, where the system he loves is ready and waiting for him, so he can experience the acceptance of his ideas and his free speech.

It’s our duty as citizens to be informed so we don’t elect loony-tunes. Although they do hide behind lovely words only when elected, their mask comes off and we learn who they really are by what they do.

The KISS theory works perfectly for me.

Keep it simple. If we have a great and strong economy we have jobs and then health care, education, roads, police, research, pensions; everything can be paid by us taxpayers, everything.

Do not elect those pie-in-the-sky, full of ideas, overly zealous environmentalists, fringe religious fanatics, that want to change everything.

If they want to change, it means they don’t love it. Most of all do not elect people who push their agendas, thinking they know better than the people that elected them. Elect people that will have a strong economy priority and a healthy balance, that will change their mind when facts change, that are passionate and, most of all, love our country and love our community.

Vera Diduch,Kelowna


Salmon Arm Observer