Legion honours returnign service personnel


Official ceremonies were held at the cenotaph in Quesnel during the Legion’s Words are not Enough event.

Official ceremonies were held at the cenotaph in Quesnel during the Legion’s Words are not Enough event.

If you were at the Legion on Sunday for the Words are not Enough to thank the returning Afghanistan veterans you were not disappointed with the effort that your local branch put forth.

Everyone involved put in a tremendous effort from the cenotaph ceremony and the laying of the wreath by our local Afghanistan Veteran, Kellie Titcomb, to the words of the distinguished Afghanistan veteran Petty Officer Yin Yee Yip who came especially to us from Victoria to speak on behalf of all the returning soldiers.

After the formal part of the ceremony was completed, with all the grandeur appropriate to such an occasion, everyone was treated to a spread of finger foods, cake and refreshments.  Again, a wonderful effort on everyone’s part.

If you are interested in viewing the photos of this event, they are available on facebook.

I cannot believe it. Monday during that terrific rain storm we had, I actually had a small rainbow over my backyard, while it was pouring.

I mean it stretched from one side of my yard to the other. It must have been the way the sun was poking through those rain clouds at the same time.  Still have not found the pot of gold though.

However, it you are involved in a children’s or youth sporting program and are in need of a bit of that pot of gold, then you are definitely in luck. Let me share my rainbow with you.

Wanda, our wonderful Legion manager has informed me your local branch still has money available in gaming for children’s sport. All you need to do is contact the office at 250-992-6819 and Wanda will fill you in on the forms that need to be taken care of in order to qualify for some of this ‘gold.’ Now if that wouldn’t just make a leprechaun smile, I don’t know what would.

And, if you are not a child or youth in need of funds but an adult in need of recreational fun, I also have the answer for you.  Starting Sept. 7 and continuing every Wednesday and Friday night, karaoke will be available in the lounge.

Now if you were at the Legion’s watering hole, during Billy Barker Days you are familiar with Debbie.  She was the lady with the big smile helping all those “So you think you can sing” wannabes.

She is going to be hosting karaoke at the Legion every week, two days a week. You can come in and sing a few rounds.  We all have that secret desire to belt out a few songs, now you can take it out of the shower and into the lounge while your friends and cohorts cheer you on.

Might be a good time to get together a group to come in and enjoy an evening out. Think of it as your own private music studio.

If you are involved with one of our very talented local bands, the Legion is soliciting entertainment for Saturday nights. We are adopting the same format the Legion in Prince George uses.  We will be charging  admission at the door and the band will get a $5 cut for each person attending.

In this way, we are hoping that the Legion will once again enjoy the fun and laughter that a crowd of fun loving, toe tapping, dancing crowd brings in.

We also hope this will be a fairer way to compensate our bands, who have been so generous to us in the past. The Legion is still experiencing financial woes and hopefully this will be the best solutions for all parties.

If you can think of a better way that is mutually beneficial to the Legion and our loyal bands, we are all ears.

Next Tuesday, the executive is holding its meeting. This meeting will get us geared up for the first general meeting to be held, Sept. 6.

This is the first general meeting since the summer break. If you have any issues you want to bring attention to, contact any one of the executive members with your concerns.

I hope you all will make it a date to attend this first general meeting scheduled for 7 p.m.

I believe there may just be an additional ROLL CALL drawn at that meeting as well. Come in and hear all about what is going on and what’s coming up in the coming months.  We would all love to see you there.

French Night is a go for Sept. 17 – delicious French ragout, tourtière, fall veggies, pork and beans, mashed potatoes and of course dessert.

Only 60 tickets will be sold for this dinner and dance and at only $20 per person, they will go quickly. After dinner you can dance the night away to John Guillet’s band.  For dance tickets only, if you missed out on dinner will be $10 for Legion members and $12 for non-members.

You will not want to miss this first event of an event-filled fall season. No reservations will be taken and you must pick up your tickets at the time of purchase, so hurry in to avoid any disappointment. Remember, if you are number one to buy your ticket… you are number one to eat!

OK, I said last week that we were planning a Ladies Nite Sept. 24 – we have a representative from Bijoux coming from Vancouver who will be putting on a show of her wares.

We will be modeling the jewellery, purses, shoes with our very own Miss Quesnel Royalty past and present. We will also be hosting a few other ladies interest groups as well at this event.

Admission will be  $5 at the door and it is open to the public. Get a table together with your friends because you will not want to miss out on this buying opportunity.

You can get a jump start on your Christmas shopping for others on your list, or my personal favourite for myself.

I mean who knows your tastes better than you do. Feel free to pamper yourself and buy as many of these baubles, purses and shoes as your closet can hold.

There is a huge selection and prices are extremely reasonable.  I will be giving more updates on those special guest merchants in future columns, so be sure to check back for details.

Now the last Friday and Saturday of September – so that would be Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 – the Old Time Fiddlers will hold their annual fiddle competition. I will have more information on this event in the next column.

Until next week – speak kindly.

Sharon MacDonald is a Legion member.




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