To the editor;
Yesterday I slipped while playing with my grandson and landed on concrete pavers. Blood was everywhere and I couldn’t see the damage to my eye.
We called 911 and within five minutes the fire department was there and a few minutes later the ambulance arrived and transported me to Surrey Memorial Hospital.
I was triaged within minutes and sent to Acute Care 3. A little while later a surgeon took me into a room, cleaned my eye area and informed me I needed about eight stitches for my eye and X-rays for my knees.
I have never had a stitch in all of my 63 years and was very nervous. A nurse came in to prep me, clean the massive amounts of blood in my hair and use a special road rash scrub brush to remove the debris from my knees. All the while I am trying not to cry, she was so gentle. My eye got stitched, X-rays taken and then my knees were bandaged up.
I am absolutely amazed at all the care and attention I received and the professionalism of the firefighters, paramedics, staff, nurses, technicians and the surgeon who gave me four needles and tried to comfort me as he was administering the freezing.
I am so glad I live in Surrey and thank you to everyone who helped along the way, especially the fire fighters who helped calm my 7-year-old grandson down who only could see blood everywhere and was so worried about his grandmom.
Thank you again, Surrey!
Laurie Larsen