Scarborough-area man seen being chased by a raccoon on the street Sunday morning. (Photo by The Canadian Press)

Scarborough-area man seen being chased by a raccoon on the street Sunday morning. (Photo by The Canadian Press)

LETTER: Ammonia a deterrent for raccoons

As with so many of my neighbours, I can appreciate Peter Simpson's problem with raccoons. Someone from the CRD told me that putting a rag saturated with ammonia would help keeping them away, as it mimics urine of another animal.

As with so many of my neighbours, I can appreciate Peter Simpson’s problem with raccoons. Someone from the CRD told me that putting a rag saturated with ammonia would help keeping them away, as it mimics urine of another animal.

After weeks of raccoon damage on my flower beds and new grassy areas, it seemed to have been a strong enough deterrent to keep them away. I hope it works for you.

Solange Valiquette


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