Letter: Ask the public

So now the Penticton council has to hire someone to tell this council where they’ve gone wrong?

So now the council has to hire someone to tell this council where they’ve gone wrong?

In the 50 years that I have been a resident of this city, has any council had to hire someone to tell them what they’ve done wrong? Save our taxes, ask anyone in any coffee shop in town and they will soon tell this council.

Simply put council, you’re not reading the public’s interest or city policies. Example: you have certainly not handled the Skaha Park, Trio fiasco in accordance with public interest or city policy and bylaws. You may recall, over a thousand people gathered outside city hall and demanded a referendum before that contract was awarded. You had the blessing of 1,000 residents, plus all the other residents who have spoken out loudly since that evening. Giving their blessing then and since then to spend their taxes on a referendum? All seven of you on council, completely ignored the public — your employers — and signed the Trio contract that same evening.

Not only did you sign it, but you ignored the policy of this city to demand a “bond” from Trio to cover any loss the city may incur (look at the dormitory fiasco). Not one of you referred to the appropriate bylaw the evening you voted to award the contract. That is a pure lack of responsibility to justify your decision to approve the contract.  Saying that your children wanted a waterslide in the park does not justify awarding such a controversial contract. Your only decision that evening was to debate the public’s outspoken interest to hold a referendum — with more than one polling station.

Not only are we now faced with the cost of lawyers from Victoria, plus local lawyers to sort this mess out, we are now faced with having to pay for another new management person to come and tell you why people are so upset with your failure to administer the city.

I’ll be over my number of permitted words if I were to include all your other bad judgements, decisions you have given us over the last two years.

Jake Kimberley




Penticton Western News