LETTER: Awards should honour environmental champions

LETTER: Awards should honour environmental champions

From reader Marylee Banyard

Re: “Ainsworth Hot Springs named Business of the Year,” April 4

I found it extremely interesting to read about the local business awards presented by the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations to the winners!

Of special interest to me was the wide range of organizations represented. They cover so many fields in which people are engaged to bring vibrancy to Nelson.

Next time I would like to suggest two further fields: We could honour those who are guardians and caregivers of our forests, our rivers, lakes and watersheds, our air quality, our wildlife of animals, birds and fish.

These are areas that define us and make us special, bringing tourism and our unique lifestyle especially to our town.

Also for consideration we could include a category to cover those working to transition Nelson to its target of 100 per cent renewable energy, and who work to mitigate the effects of climate change, protecting us from what can be disasters for our way of life.

Our wildfires and the resultant air quality has impacted tourism in so many areas of BC in recent years, let alone the impact on property loss, the increases that will be necessary in insurance premiums, the costs of recovery and the often tragic disruption of life for many.

Both the above fields protect our businesses. The choice of winners would be difficult, but the work of those involved in these areas support us all, so I do believe they need inclusion.

Marylee Banyard


Nelson Star