LETTER: Banners - banned or not?

LETTER: Banners – banned or not?

From reader Rick Rodman

The International Life Chain took place on Oct. 6. Nelson Right-to-Life, the Knights of Columbus and others participated in this event in Nelson. Nelson Right-to-Life took the opportunity to show its new banner, which was censored by the newly elected City of Nelson council last November.

Before permitting it to be hung over Baker Street during Nelson Right-to-Life Week, city council insisted that the logo showing conception and the baby inside the womb of its mother both be covered. Council has refused to comment on why they believe these images are too harmful or objectionable for Nelson residents to see. The logos showing the elderly and handicapped were not censored.

Council claims that the issue of abortion is too divisive for Nelson. In March council sought legal advice to see if the Right-to-Life banner contravened the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Once they received the legal advice they decided to no longer permit any banner to be hung. This means the Right-to-Life banner does not contravene the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

However, banners continued to be displayed after the banner ban. In September, city council said they would enforce the ban on banners. The Nelson Right-To-Life Week banner is usually displayed in November.

In Nelson, people who are not in consensus over an issue do not feel the need to be violent or attempt to suppress those they disagree with. City council is not as open-minded.

Rick Rodman


Nelson Right-to-Life Society

Nelson Star