Letter: BC needs to lead in climate action

Letter: BC needs to lead in climate action

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BC needs to be a leader in climate action and protecting the earth. B.C. should seize this opportunity and implement strong provincial regulations, apply the carbon tax to methane emissions and create jobs in oil and gas to clean up the industry. The B.C. government was elected on a promise to apply the carbon tax to methane emissions from oil and gas and to take meaningful action on climate change.

Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, trapping 84 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 20 year period. B.C.’s methane pollution from the oil and gas sector is at least 2.5 times greater than what has been reported. This finding challenges the claim that natural gas, including LNG, is a “clean” transition fuel.

B.C.’s methane regulations must meet or exceed the federal government’s minimum standard, something the Alberta government’s proposed regulations fail to do.

This is vital to all British Columbians. We can’t wait until it’s too late. We need to stand up to the oil and gas industry and push forward on renewables.

M. Lawrence

Oak Bay

Oak Bay News