File photo letter

File photo letter

LETTER: BC parks and trails should be part of political platforms

When I am outside in nature, no matter the weather, I can be fully present and at peace, says writer

The outdoors, BC parks and trails have been an integral part of my identity: when I am outside in nature, no matter the weather, I can be fully present and at peace.

I have become increasingly aware that BC trails and parks deserve more attention, and that educating the public on trail and park etiquette to help care for our natural spaces is a necessity.

This past summer, dealing with the sheer amount of people and the impact they had on the trails, parks and campground, must have overwhelmed park staff.

As candidates and platforms get announced for the provincial election, I hope that parks and nature will be on the agenda.

It has been a tough few months, but I believe there is reason for hope.

The BC government announced a bump in funding that will help BC Parks staff get to work on broken down trails and neglected campgrounds.

BC Parks has been underfunded for decades. They need a significant, long-term increase so that people like me, who have found solace in parks, can continue to get outside in years to come.

I’m hopeful that we are on the right track. When we reinvest in BC’s parks, we build resilient communities and ecosystems across the province.

Michelle McNaughton


Mission City Record