Letter: Blood drive organizer an inspiration

Editor: What a great story about Amie MacNeil’s drive to recruit new blood donors (The Times, Feb. 17). This woman is an inspiration to many, for her fantastic effort to raise 129 blood donors, to “pay forward” for the units of blood she received while in hospital.

I was turned down, because of a recent visit to Mexico, where the Canadian Blood Services have listed some areas as being at risk for malaria.

I urge you, if you are a blood donor, to contact the CBS and ask about your destination before going on a vacation.

Meantime, please contact Amie’s Facebook page, “Amie MacNeil’s Blood Drive-129 reasons to give” and give your support and pledge to donate at the next clinic in Aldergrove. She had 56 donors on Feb. 13, let’s get her over her goal of 129. Well done, Amie.

Wayne Boylan,


Langley Times