Traffic flows along 192nd Street south of 24th Avenue in the South Campbell Heights neighbourhood. The City of Surrey is seeking to re-designate 600 acres south of 20 Avenue, between approximately 186th and 196th Streets to employment lands, and to expand the urban containment boundary. A public hearing is set for July 26, 2021. (Black Press Media file)

LETTER: Campbell Heights development destroying vital natural area

Surrey is looking to expand industrial lands in the area bordering South Langley

Dear Editor,

Re: [LETTER: Langley letter writer questions Surrey’s push to develop Campbell Height,, July 16]

Dr. Peter Stepney’s letter eloquently states what’s happening with the Campbell Heights Plan, and it is heart breaking, more so when you see who is at the helm of this ship behaving in such a reckless and cavalier, manner!

Is it too late for Campbell Heights?

The voting public has a chance to weigh in on the City of Surrey’s revised plan for the area which includes re-designating 600 acres as ’employment lands’ at a public hearing on July 26 on the heels of a city council vote of 5-4 on July 12.

I have heard and read so much about the Campbell Heights situation and see it as a potential bleak bell-weather for future generations if someone doesn’t get to the bottom of what is going on.

Folks who want to speak at the upcoming meeting on the 26th of July can only apply to do so on the day of the meeting. The same phone line they are posting (604-591-4132) must handle all the registrations to speak as well as any who wish to leave comments, again, all on the day of the Public Hearing and all between 8 and 11 a.m. With a process and time line like this, its as though they don’t want a public discourse.

Countless in-depth environmental studies have been written, now sadly to be ignored? What will it take? Is this yet another sad example of short-term gain for long-term pain? I sincerely hope that people will attend the July 26 meeting and turn this ship around.

Cheryl Grant-Gamble, South Cloverdale


• READ MORE: Revised plans for Surrey’s South Campbell Heights area alarm conservationists

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