Chilliwack Free Reformed Church on Yale Road (seen on Dec. 1, 2020), along with Free Grace Baptist Church, held in-person services despite the Nov. 19 public health order banning indoor gatherings. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress)

LETTER: Can we not collectively do what is needed in a time of crisis?

'Do they really think that Dr. Bonnie Henry is fabricating all of this, reported all over the world?'

COVID-19 is a serious malady for the human race, as well as other species. I am struck by the inability for some to realize this.

While the churches defying health orders, to close, “as restaurants and bars remain open” do they not realize that it is the restaurants and bar owners income, their very survival, financially, that is at stake, the ability to keep their families afloat? Not starve! And therein lies the difference.

There is the argument that congregations need spiritual guidance for their well-being, however are we not stronger than this? Can we not collectively do what is best for the masses in a time of crisis? And did God not give we humans free will, which is choice? Can we not choose to go to church, virtually?

READ MORE: Chilliwack churches fined $18,400 for violating public health orders

I am also struck by the selfishness of those who demonstrate against the wearing of masks, social distancing and small to no gatherings. It is proven that this increases the cases of COVID. While the argument, is that our civil rights are infringed on, how can they ignore the ever increasing numbers of the dying reported on the nightly news? Do they really think that Dr. Bonnie Henry is fabricating all of this, reported all over the world? Give your head a shake!

As to visiting loved ones in long-term care, of which some die alone. Now is not the time. It is as simple as that. The blame for this lies squarely with those who refuse to comply, as they spread this disease, not in those who take the much-needed precaution of quarantining care homes.

It really is not to difficult to be a part of the effort to quell this insidious virus by following the guidelines of public health. It is those who do not that spread it. Wear a mask, social/physical distance, and stay within your bubble. Be calm, be kind, be safe, please.

Georgia Kirkpatrick

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