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LETTER: Canada should make room for Afghan women, girls

But letter writer suggests full COVID precautions be taken

Dear Editor,

I agree with Canada resettling Afghan refugees and, in particular, women, and girls.

Canada needs to bring as many women and girls as possible to Canada.

RELATED NEWS: Crush at Kabul airport kills 7 as Afghans try to flee

If women and girls (not related to the Taliban) remain in Afghanistan, their fate is sealed.

Afghan young girls will be “married” (against their will) to much older Taliban men, which violates article 16 of the United Nations universal declaration of human rights.

Moreover, the Taliban will change many laws that affect women and girls. For example, women and girls (not related to the Taliban) will be forbidden from attending school, and that contravenes article 26 of the United Nations universal declaration of human rights.

They will also be prohibited from working outside the home, and that breaches article 23 of the declaration. In addition, they will also be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle. To make matters worse, they will only be allowed to be “seen” in public if they wear a burka, and they must have a male escort, and that violates articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the declaratoin.

What a dreadful, horrible, awful, and cruel, way to live.

MORE COVERAGE: Ministers defend evacuation efforts in Afghanistan amid dire security challenges

Even though I agree with Canada resettling thousands of Afghan refugees, I have a few concerns about bringing thousands of Afghan refugees to Canada.

One of my concerns is, given Canada has a housing crisis, where are we going to house thousands of people? I have a suggestion regarding where the said people can be temporarily housed.

I believe the Afghan refugees can be temporarily housed on military bases until they have been tested for the COVID-19 virus, have had both COVID-19 vaccinations, and have been quarantined.

I believe my prior suggestion is a good one, and suitable one because, as far as I know, civilian Canadians, not working for the government, are prohibited from living on Canadian military bases.

I want to know what the Canadian military and Canadian government is doing about Afghan refugees who refuse to get tested for the COVID-19 virus, who decline to get vaccinated for the virus, and who avoid being quarantined. If I were the Canadian military and/or government, I would decline untested, unvaccinated, and unquarantined Afghans, or anyone else, entry into Canada as they pose a real, and significant threat to the health and lives of Canadians.

RELATED: Second Canadian flight leaves chaotic Kabul on Friday with 106 Afghans on board

Linda Meyer, Maple Ridge


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