Letter: Candidate’s Heavenly mandate should be kept to himself

Elected leaders should understand that any celestial guidance received from ethereal dimensions must be kept for personal strength alone.

To the editor:

I would like to respond to Karen Dyck who used the word God nine times in her brief response (Heavenly Mandate: God too ‘Gentlemanly’ to Butt Into Running Council, July 22 Capital News) to a previous letter titled ‘Candidate Should let God Speak for Himself’.

Canadians are by definition a multiracial and multicultural people who are free to express and explore any variation of the planet’s many religions and Gods. I can only assume that when Kelly writes of God, that she is speaking of the Judeo-Christian version of the deity from her reference to ‘ Christian’ and ‘Lord.’

But I  would like to remind her that a singular deity does not, and could not represent the ethnically diverse population that government serves. Whether one is a theist or non-theist should not hinder their desire or ability to run for political leadership, as in the case of mayoral candidate Kelly Row.

But elected leaders should understand that any celestial guidance received from ethereal dimensions must be kept for personal strength alone; and that a position in governance should not be used for proselytism.

And, Kelly, if God is truly the ‘perfect gentleman,’ then I suggest he stop sending telepathic messages to Mr. Row so that he can gain votes based on his own practical platform.

Saverio Sasso

975 Tamarack Drive



Kelowna Capital News