LETTER: Car crashes really aren’t accidents

There are a lot of car crashes, car collisions and motor vehicle incidences, but very few accidents

Re: It’s no accident (News, Aug. 13)

I am all in favour of eliminating the term “accident” when it comes to motor vehicle incidences. I am glad to see that the terminology is getting some public review. I would even be happier if the term was never used again in the media, and perhaps it could start with the Saanich News.

There are very few car accidents. There are a lot of car crashes, car collisions and motor vehicle incidences. The vast majority are caused by idiots. Any idiot is entitled to drive a car.

It is an idiot who thinks that there is no rhyme or rhythm to the rules of the road. Some seem unnecessary, but they are there for a reason. The reason is generally to promote better road safety.

A crash caused by excessive speeding is not an accident. It is some idiot who has no respect for others, no respect for the rules of the road and often thinks that they are above the law.

It is no accident when a crash occurs when a driver performs a rolling stop or runs a stop sign. The sign reads “STOP,” not “slow down.” The list goes on.

An accident is something that is totally unavoidable. Please do not use the word “accident” in the context of a motor vehicle incident again.

R. D. Townsend




Saanich News