LETTER: Careful what you wish for

A local resident responds to a letter from the Dec. 28 issue of The Gazette.


Re: RDKB not solely to blame, (letter in Dec. 28 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

In response to Mike Harrison’s letter,  I can only say that while he enjoys making rules and obeying them, I would like to remind him that in the future, others may be making the rules.

He will find himself on the receiving end of his rules and come home some day and find his home in a heap of rubble and the same applies to all the other eager beavers that so eagerly take part in the destruction of another citizen’s home and property.

Remember, what goes around comes around so do to others, as you would have them do to you.

Vern Rexin, Rock Creek

Grand Forks Gazette