
LETTER: Chilliwack school trustees are elected to serve everyone not just supporters

Trustees who claim to speak for all conservatives or all people of faith need to reassess their role

I take issue with a few things in Mr. [Darrell] Furgason’s letter to the editor, “School trustee decries possible ‘dictatorship of the left“, Progress, Nov. 12, 202.

He seems to suggest that he and others, namely Mr. [Barry] Neufeld represent the views of the conservative community of Chilliwack. In addition, in the past Mr. Neufeld has claimed to represent people of faith.

READ MORE: LETTER: Chilliwack school trustee decries possible ‘dictatorship of the left’

READ MORE: LETTER: Trustee Darrell Furgason picks and chooses when to follow Code of Ethics

I would like to remind both members of the Board that they were elected to represent the entire community of Chilliwack, hence the name Chilliwack Board of Education, School District No. 33.

It does not matter if you are right, left or anywhere in between on the political spectrum. It does not matter what gender you identify with, what orientation you may be and it does not matter what your faith may be. You have been elected to serve everyone.

The focus on the right or left of the political spectrum has to end. The education of our students, all of them, should be paramount to all members of this Board. How can progress, through education, be made for the betterment of our society move forward when members of our public Board engage in petty quarrels? Otherwise the work of education stalls and we remain in the status quo.

Chilliwack is changing. It, like the general society is becoming more diverse which is a good thing. In diversity there is strength.

We need to focus on education to reflect this reality, not engage in arguments between left wing and right wing politics. Let’s get the public Chilliwack School Board in moving forward.

Jennifer Scott

READ MORE: Chilliwack school trustee speaks out about board harassment

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Chilliwack Progress