Christmas in November was organized by a group of local people to raise funds for the food programs of the Langley School District Foundation and happened on Nov. 30. (Langley School District Foundation Twitter)

Christmas in November was organized by a group of local people to raise funds for the food programs of the Langley School District Foundation and happened on Nov. 30. (Langley School District Foundation Twitter)

LETTER: Christmas in November fundraiser helps but doesn’t solve hunger for Langley students

Organizer is grateful to all the support at fundraiser but wants systemic changes

Dear Editor,

Re: [Friends rally to feed kids, Langley Advance Times, Nov. 27]Once again, caring participants made it possible for many hungry school kids to benefit from much needed nutrition.

On Nov. 30, Santa (John), Mrs. Claus (Lynda), Corinne, Russ, Tim, Marge, the Oak, GM Andrea and the entire staff were great. The City of New Westminster Pipe Band certainly had toes tapping and hands clapping and having so many supportive Lions Club members and friends sitting in the Lions Den, was a big boost. Additional thanks go to those who donated items for the silent auction as well as the Langley Advance Times for their encouragement.

The entire $3,200 (with more donations yet to come) was handed over to the Langley School District Foundation who were in attendance. We had zero expenses come out of the proceeds – volunteers and donations.

This will help to alleviated the tragic situation but not end it. Provincial assistance is said to be coming as reported, but we will be watching to see the effect. In the interim, 3,000 Langley kids go to school without necessary nourishment – think about it, 3,000 kids without breakfast or lunch.

Well done all those who took the time to participate. We thank you and the kids thank you.

Don McLean, Walnut Grove

Langley Advance Times