LETTER: City not equipped to deal with supportive housing

LETTER: City not equipped to deal with supportive housing

I am writing in support of "affordable housing."

I am writing in support of “affordable housing.”

In the past, Parksville residents were led to believe that the housing project would be affordable low-cost rental which would look after homeless, soon-to-be homeless, single-parent families, some people with mental health issues, families and seniors with low incomes. This would cover a broad range of needs for Parksville residents.

Then we heard that it will be supportive housing. Apparently it will be 52 beds plus eight shelter beds that include untreated alcohol/drug addicts, self-medicating, mentally ill individuals and level three addictive behavior with no commitment or offer required to get any treatment.

One rule requiring one guest per resident and no guests overnight has now been tossed by the B.C. Supreme Court which means the residents can have as many guests as they want day and night.

Parksville is not equipped to deal with the needs of these addicts. No extra police or paramedics to be hired. The City of Parksville refuses to put “used needle boxes” around the town and the beach.

Neighbours around this proposed site are families with small children, a number of seniors residences, with Berwick planning a big seniors complex across the street. It’s absolutely the wrong location.

Open your eyes Parksville, research for yourself the facts about this project, get involved, attend the meeting and show support to change this to affordable housing.

Lynne Donaldson


Parksville Qualicum Beach News